Summer Student Development Program application is open. Learn more!
The global pandemic has changed how we live, work, and learn. Throughout all that life has thrown at each of us in the last year, student interest in manufacturing continues to grow and the commitment of Washington’s educators to support career readiness remains constant.
Core Plus Aerospace has experienced growing enrollment across Washington state, from just eight schools and 100 students just five years ago to more than 1,300 students enrolled across 44 partner high schools and skills centers today, with more on the way. Add to that, the launch of Core Plus Construction and Maritime programs at schools across the state, will leverage a shared foundation in hands-on manufacturing education and real-world skills.
As we look ahead, it is inspiring to reflect on the talent, resilience, and commitment demonstrated by our students, teachers, and families throughout the last year:
We continue to be inspired by students’ exploration and interest in manufacturing and by the commitment of educators and industry to prepare students for the great opportunities ahead. The year ahead will bring more opportunities to partner and grow Core Plus Aerospace, to showcase Washington’s manufacturing industry, and most importantly, build the workforce of the future. We hope you’ll join us in that effort!