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Core Plus Aerospace provided Anna Northam with hands-on manufacturing skills, as well as skills that help her in her role as ASB president at Southeast Area Technical Skills Center (SEATech) in Walla Walla.
“The communications skills I learned help me lead discussions as ASB president,” Anna says. “I also learned teamwork and how to advocate for myself. This will let my future employer know I’m ready to learn.”
As a sophomore, Anna didn’t know what she wanted to do after high school. She talked to a counselor, took a tour of SEATech and discovered Core Plus Aerospace.
“Taking Core Plus Aerospace is the best decision I’ve ever made,” Anna says. “This has been the best high school experience I could ever have. I’ve had fun and learned so much.”
Now a senior, Anna says the Boeing-hosted virtual Core Plus Aerospace internship she participated in last summer helped prepare her for what the work world will be like.
“My internship was a fantastic experience where I learned skills employers are looking for,” Anna says. “The internship went into detail on skills that interest me like riveting and sealing. I also met aerospace professionals that offered advice and help after graduation.”
Anna plans to pursue a manufacturing career after high school. She’s exploring careers that use skills she learned at SEATech like pipefitting and welding.
“I’m excited to see where I go and what future generations will build,” Anna says. “Seeing cool things being built like planes and skyscrapers is really interesting to me. I’d like to do something like that.”