We are inspired by students, educators and the manufacturing industry who are building the workforce of the future.
The global pandemic has changed how we live, work, and learn. Throughout all that life has thrown at each of us in the last year, student interest in manufacturing continues to grow and the commitment of Washington’s educators to support career readiness remains constant.

Core Plus Aerospace Locations across Washington state
The Core Plus Aerospace curriculum is used by 44 high schools and skills centers across the state. More and more Washington students are being prepared for careers through hands-on learning.
Did you know?
Core Plus Aerospace by the Numbers
students enrolled
of Core Plus Aerospace students in King County identify as people of color38%
of Core Plus Aerospace students in Pierce County identify as people of color19%
of Core Plus Aerospace students in Pierce County are female59%
of Core Plus Aerospace students attend a school with high enrollment in free or reduced lunch programs298,000
manufacturing employees in Washington in 2019, with an average annual compensation of $93,095.67 in 2018*44
partner high
schools and
skill centers
hours of virtual content were developed to support remote instruction of Core Plus Aerospace
students participated in the first-ever Core Plus Aerospace virtual summer internship, hosted by Boeing
on-site teacher training sessions*
in grant funding went to 22 high schools and skill centers to support Core Plus Aerospace programs
Local Industry Growing
its Own
Students have more options after graduation thanks to ATS and Sno-Isle Tech partnership.
Career and Technical Colleges Expand Opportunities for Students After Graduation
Learn how Career and Technical Colleges help students build skills and prepare for careers.