Summer Student Development Program application is open. Learn more!
There are 265,000 direct manufacturing jobs in Washington state, and a large portion of the state’s manufacturing workforce will be eligible for retirement in the next few years. We want to help more Washington students get ready for those opportunities. Through Core Plus Aerospace, students will gain the real-world skills they need to launch their careers in this thriving industry. They all have a clear advantage when pursuing apprenticeships or certificate and degree programs at two- and four- year colleges.
The first year of Core Plus Aerospace’s two-year curriculum focuses on manufacturing skills common across all industries, such as materials science, precision measurement, and use of hand and power tools. Students can take these skills and pursue employment or continuing education in any number of industries from aerospace to maritime, agriculture, construction, and more. Read about an industry partnership here.
The second year consists of industry-specific courses in aerospace. This includes coursework in areas such as fiber optics, advanced composites, robotics, and more. See a Core Plus Aerospace class in action here.
Along with manufacturing skills, Core Plus Aerospace students learn universal skills such as time management, problem solving, and team building. There are also opportunities to engage in clubs and competitions through organizations like SkillsUSA and First Robotics.
Core Plus Aerospace graduates finish with an industry-backed Certificate of Competency that defines the skills they mastered and is a clear signal they are ready for manufacturing careers and post-high school education or training.
Core Plus Aerospace is a resounding success among its students as well as the employers and apprenticeship and college programs that welcome its alumni. Graduates go on to work for manufacturing employers and pursue apprenticeships, post-high school certificates, and degrees. Read graduate stories and learn more about the many post-high school courses and training programs offered at Washington’s community and technical colleges and visit the Center of Excellence in Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing for more information.