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Melanie is a 2021 graduate of Graham-Kapowsin High School in Graham, Washington and is a Core Plus Aerospace graduate of Pierce County Skills Center. While in high school Melanie participated in the 2021 Core Plus Aerospace internship where she built her advanced manufacturing and listening skills.
After high school, she used the experiences from Core Plus Aerospace and the internship like how to write a resume and mock interviews to get hired at Boeing. Currently Melanie is working on the 737 program in Renton as a sealer. Melanie says she loves her job and is excited to grow her career at Boeing. She credits Core Plus Aerospace with giving her a foot in the door.
“Core Plus Aerospace gave me a head start at a good career,” Melanie said. “I’m grateful for the opportunity and I think a lot of students can benefit from the program.”
Jeric is a 2019 graduate of Renton High School. While in high school, Jeric participated in the 2019 Core Plus Aerospace internship where he built his mechanical and electrical skills and gained real work experience. He also participated in the SkillsUSA Manufacturing Assembler competition, where he showcased skills learned through Core Plus Aerospace and participated in resume reviews and mock interviews.
After graduation, he participated in the Boeing Facilities and Equipment Services internship and studied mechatronics at North Seattle College where he worked with robots and on other hands-on projects. In 2021 he was hired as an In-Tank Mechanic at Boeing.
“From the Boeing internships and from taking Core Plus Aerospace, I am able to grasp the work, tools and techniques of my job much quicker,” Jeric said. “I learn new things every day at Boeing and am excited about gaining more knowledge and understanding of my trade.”
Monica is a 2021 graduate of Lindbergh High School in Renton. While in high school, Monica participated in the 2021 Core Plus Aerospace internship where she worked closely with a mentor and other interns and built her network. Monica also participated in the SkillsUSA Manufacturing Assembler competition, where she was able to build on and learn new skills. Monica was hired in 2021 as an assembler and installer at Boeing. The experiences Monica had in high school helped prepare her for the work she does today.
“I was able to comfortably go through the training for my job at Boeing because I learned many of the skills in high school,” said Monica. “I’m very happy with where I am and the hands-on work I get to do. My team is really supportive and excited for me to learn more.”
Seth is a 2021 graduate of Walla Walla High School and is a Core Plus Aerospace graduate from SEATech Skills Center. While in high school, Seth participated in the SkillsUSA competition. He also participated in the 2020 Core Plus Aerospace internship where he built his manufacturing skills and had the opportunity to work with Fusion 360, a cloud-based 3D modeling software platform.
Seth is currently working for Boeing on the 737 program in Renton. Seth’s career goal is to be a flightline mechanic or an engineer at Boeing. The skills he learned in Core Plus Aerospace and his other advanced manufacturing experiences helped him make the transition from Walla Walla to Renton.
“Learning skills like time management in high school through my Core Plus Aerospace class and internship have really helped me make the move to Renton and start my career,” Seth said. “I’d encourage more students to get involved in Core Plus Aerospace and work towards a manufacturing career.”