Find a School or Skills Center with the Core Plus Aerospace Curriculum Near You
How do you ensure hands-on skill development programs in the K-12 and community and technical college systems are aligned to prepare students for the next generation of advanced manufacturing careers?
That’s where Manufacturing Futures comes in. Manufacturing Futures is a new partnership with major industry employers like Boeing to bring together industry, high schools, community and technical colleges, and other hands-on skill development programs to elevate the field of advanced manufacturing. Manufacturing Futures industry partners and its affiliated skill development programs:
By opening doors to high-demand jobs in aerospace and other advanced manufacturing sectors, the academic programs affiliated with Manufacturing Futures are helping to equip their graduates with in-demand skills that lead to rewarding family-wage jobs, and long-term opportunities for continued growth and development.
Our goal is to elevate educational and skill development programs, the advanced manufacturing industry, and the people who work in the industry through the 21st century and beyond.
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