Find a School or Skills Center with the Core Plus Aerospace Curriculum Near You
Students have more options after graduation thanks to ATS and Sno-Isle partnership
A large share of the state’s manufacturing workforce will be eligible to retire in the coming years. Manufacturers in Washington will need talented workers and the door will open to the next generation of employees. Partnerships between the manufacturing industry, local high schools and skill centers, and career and technical colleges across Washington state keep these doors open for students even during school building closures.
Aviation Technical Services (ATS) is headquartered and operates its largest facilities in Everett, Washington, with additional locations in Moses Lake, Washington; Fort Worth, Texas; and Kansas City, Missouri. The company developed a partnership with Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center in Mukilteo to provide students opportunities to explore aviation maintenance careers, learn, and use their hands-on skills.
“Having a partnership with a local leader in the aerospace modification and repair industry like ATS has been a valuable resource to show students the options available after graduation,” said Wes Allen from Sno-Isle TECH. “It’s exciting to see Core Plus Aerospace graduates explore going straight to work at ATS, build their skills at a community and technical college, or pursue an apprenticeship.”
ATS is the largest third-party, single-site transport aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul provider in North America and one of the largest aerospace employers in Washington state. Along with its partnership with Sno-Isle, ATS supports Everett Community College’s (EvCC) Aviation Maintenance Technology program. ATS previously donated a Boeing 767 rudder and performed work on an EvCC helicopter and airplane.
“Investing in and growing a local workforce is good for the community and our business,” said David Bowen from ATS. “Washington students have a bright future in aerospace and ATS is proud to offer students an immersive, on the job environment to develop aircraft maintenance skills that can lead to a fulfilling career, all while getting paid and receiving medical amongst other benefits.”
ATS has hired Core Plus Aerospace graduates straight out of high school and offers continuing training via its own apprenticeship program. Upon completion, ATS apprentices may choose to work toward certification as an FAA Certificated Repairman or Mechanic. ATS also provides a transparent promotion process and communicates clear career pathways so that technicians see a path to growth and opportunity.
By working together, ATS and the local education community are helping Snohomish County students explore careers, build skills, and discover where their manufacturing skills can take them.